About Me

I am a Software Engineer and market microstructure enthusiast at CME Group in Chicago IL, working on the CME’s low-latency trade matching engine that powers CME Globex.

As a latency specialist, I’ve written performance tracking libraries that minimize the observer effect, analyzed billions of performance datapoints using data science tools, and tuned, redesigned, or otherwise rewritten applications to perform more optimally.

Working on the matching engine team at one of the world’s largest financial exchanges, I have a unique opportunity to study our markets like no one outside of the Merc can. My team’s research and decision making helps shape and define global financial markets.

In addition to all that, I often moonlight as a member of HR: heavily involved in recruiting entry-level engineers and leading our team’s internship program.

I am particularly interested in engineering culture, responsible system design, and data driven decisions, as well as skiing and the outdoors.

If you want to know more, checkout my Resume.

All opinions in this blog are my own, not of my employer. Additionally, nothing posted here should be considered a trade secret.